How much does a Website Cost?

web design cost

It striked me “how much should I charge” to design a website and when I was trying to make a fair estimation?  I came across ad that was stuck all through the city which shouts in bold letters that it would create a website for less than fifty dollars. Period. “Are you Feeling Lucky” Me too, I just pulled up in the peak hours and dialed this number and they seem to be really busy guys.

They rely on Google University, pickup some existing websites or template because they don’t have time to see if anything is obsolete, copy paste, doesn’t ask you questions to the client except, about your name or logo that too only if you insisted and vroom boom there you have the website.  If this is not what you are looking for then read on.  I did not get hit when I pulled up but the story of unprofessional cheap site making did adversely.

How much does it cost to get a professional website design done? 


Let me make it simple for you, I will divide the complete services into different silos.

Firstly to have a good website, you know pretty well that firstly a domain is required. That is the name of your website like or <yourcompanyname> . Then you would need space (virtual space) to host your website content. Website content is like your virtual home where you can dump, park whatever you need like emails, images, content video that is related to your company and website.

You may have to spend anywhere between ten to fifteen dollars for a domain which is charged per year and fifty to hundred dollars to host in a decent hosting servers. This will sound good if you are aware and know about hosting else it’s good to approach a web design agency or hosting company would help you achieve this.

The next step is to design a website; if you are not a designer yourself then you could hire a professional web design company like us or a web designer who could to the job for you when you can take care of your business.

A professional web designer will charge you for the services based on the above factors whether you want to completely handle the webhosting and web design plus maintenance like we do then your life becomes easier where you don’t have to haggle and no more hassles.

A Web design agency charges you based on our questions that we ask you initially of your requirements; as how many WebPages you need? Do you require content to be developed and who are you targeting customers and audience and what are your products or services? Do you want us to maintain your website or you will take care of it?

All these would become our key feeders to create a website to publish information about your company, market and sell your product, reach the right audience and also build a CMS or update friendly website where you can update the website yourself or we can do the content updates on regular basis and develop, code website match to the latest standards because you are one who is going to ultimately pay.

Marketing-automationSo it is not “Hello Web! Just one more website”. But a fine collaboration of the client and web design agency combined with your purpose and load of experience to create a meaningful and value for money website.

To give a fair Idea about the charges it will be the domain plus hosting charges, number of pages in your website, the framework or technology that is used and the thing that matters most is professional expertise and knowhow of the web designer.

So next time you pop this question you are confident and know how to pay, deal with the designer what to ask for and ultimately to get a website designed.

How much should I pay to get a website designed?



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